Joy-Anna Dugger is no stranger to getting shamed. In fact, just last month she made headlines for letting her two-year-old son, GIdeon, stand on a bar stool and pour milk onto a counter. Now, some of the Counting On star's followers are questioning another decision she made as a parent, and it's something they've been talking about for some time now. Joy lets Gideon drink coffee.
She first shared a photo of her son sipping some joe on Instagram back in September, captioning it, "A little coffee to get him through the day. Or maybe not... he already has more energy than I can keep up with." Not surprisingly, the comments were full of hate - one even noted, "You will never hear the end of people judging you for the coffee."
Well if that wound up being the case, it didn't stop Joy from continuing to let Gideon enjoy some java. Her husband, Austin, has posted a new pic of Gideon, and this time the boy had his own cup of coffee. Austin's caption reads, "Coffee in hand, ready to work. #decaf."
The comments on the post have been limited so there isn't much evidence of trolls. One fan did ask, "Why do you drink decaf?" to which Austin replied, "Gid is drinking decaf!"
Another person stated, "Gideon is too little for any coffee. It's not good for him. Give him hot chocolate instead. I love you guys. I'm not being judgmental."
Of course, the couple had their defenders, with one responding, "You could just either keep your comment to yourself or say something not judgmental... it's THEIR child. NOT yours!! Let them raise their own child."
A taste for coffee seems to run in the Duggar family. Jinger Duggar loves it so much that fans were certain she was pregnant when they saw "decaf" written on her coffee cup. She also has been pictured giving her daughter decaf coffee.
Photo: Getty Images